Tattoo Booking Terms and Conditions
We require a deposit for every tattoo booking.
Your deposit is NON-REFUNDBLE.
We require a minimum of 72 hours to re-arrange your appointment in order to avoid losing your deposit. More than one re-scheduling will require a new deposit.
This booking is valid for the design discussed and agreed at the time of booking. If you wish to radically change your design idea without sufficient notice, you may be required to re-book with a new deposit.
If you fail to attend your appointment without having contacted the studio to cancel (a ‘No-Show) your deposit will be lost and any future tattoo bookings that we have for you will automatically be cancelled.
We require a deposit for each session that you book. This means that for larger pieces, you can either book multiple sessions straight away with a deposit for each one or you can book one session and then book your next when that one is finished, carrying your deposit over.
Your deposit will come off the cost of your tattoo on the day unless you are carrying it over to a new tattoo booking.
Whilst we can accept vouchers as tattoo deposits, in the event of a no-show or cancellation, the full amount of your voucher used will be forfeit.
Repeat No-Shows/Cancellations may be required to pay for future bookings up front.
In booking your appointment and paying your deposit, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.